Cashmere Nicole opens up to share her inspirational story
I’ve been asked to tell my story so many times that it had become just that, a story. I realized, however, that this isn’t just a story, this is my life.
At the start of our church’s service last Sunday, my daughter and I arrived to find empty bags underneath each seat, with a list of items to donate to a family in need this Christmas. Throughout the service, I found myself glancing down at the bag, thinking about the recipient and their situation. With every glance, I felt more anxious anticipation. I was looking forward to the end of the service so that we could immediately drive to the store to pick up items for this family.
It dawned on me that I was once on the receiving end of gifts like these. While sitting in church, anxious to drive to the store, I remembered the times that I did not have a car. I thought about the donations I had received in the past, and I couldn’t help but wonder if the giver was as cheerful as I found myself on that Sunday morning.
As I sat there, I thought back to some of the most challenging times in my life. Standing in line during the winter, waiting for donated coats. Finding out that the food stamps office had lost my paperwork. Realizing that I would be a single mother. Hearing that I had cancer, and that I had to have my breasts – what made me a woman - removed. Finding out that a close friend didn’t survive, after all of that praying. And holding it all in because no one would understand. It seemed to be one set back after another during those times, and it hurt.
Beauty Bakerie’s motto is to be ‘better, not bitter’ because of difficult events in my life that could have made me bitter, but instead continue to make me better each day. Each of these events created unbreakable character. Each ‘no’ and circumstance outside of my control made me better.
Thank you for being on this journey with me. There is comfort in knowing we’ve all had to endure hardships. Please share your inspirational stories, and how you made the best of difficult situations.

Cerissa Knight
This is too good not to be on the front page! Don’t hide your light, you are on His path! God bless you!
This was very humbling for me, reading this and seeing that I am not alone in what I’m enduring gives me hope. Thank you for your cander and for sharing this piece of yourself. I am very interested in trying this product and after using it and familiarizing myself with it I would like to become a distributor and sell it. You are truly and inspiration. Thank you and God bless
I’m a merchandiser and I was setting up a Riley Rose store and stumbled on your product. I said aloud how adorable and cute it was to another co worker , who is also a makeup artist and she mentioned you were a women of color, I am also so I was like I’m so proud of her and when I finally catch up and get current on some bills, I’m definitely going to purchase her products. One month later I work again with this same person and she paid it forward and treated me to happy hour drinks and apps, now comes AHA ! moment. We didn’t discuss Beauty Bakerie but when I saw her I though of you ,so I came home to look up a my future purchase from you and I truly believe God led me to click your story. I felt and immediate connection and you encouraged me . I recently lost my both my grandmothers (one I did hospice care for) and my Mom passed away 18 days after her Mom , we were uber close, so close I wanted to climb in casket with her and then my life really went down a devastatingly slippery slope I totally understand some of your trials life threw at you. I’m still here by the grace of God and the Angels he puts in my path for encouragement. I thank you for baring you soul to those who visit you page . THANK YOU SOOOOOMUCH FOR MESSAGE OF HOPE AND PEACE !! May God continue to bless you sistah Cashmere and I am committing to practice being better not bitter.
what a story Cash( if can i call you that?). very inspirational. i am amazed that you are still so real i.e going down memory lane to recall when you received aid etc. you see, like you said, every struggle is meant to make us better and not bitter. you are an amazing woman( i thank God for your life) and i’m grateful that you shared your life. i certainly would purchase products as soon as possible.
I have been following Beauty bakery for some time now, I still haven’t made a purchase but I plan to very soon! I read how Beauty Bakery started and your story gives me hope! I admire your strength and wish that I had half your strength to follow my dream as well, I love buying products from companies with substance and can’t wait till I support yours.
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